This animation clips is designed with the inspiring collection of Les Néréides, the jewelry brand.
The art of animation bring these fantastic characters alive and lead us to explore the world of wonders.
Concept & Animation
For the theme of Circus, i choose elements as stars, curtain and garland to creat a festive and mysterious stage.

Line -- Color --Shades and light

Concept in watercolor
I use red, rose and yellow as dominant colors for a spirit of circus,
while keeping the a soft, elegant visual of the brand.

For Mr and Miss Peach, I add deformed stripe in turquoise to pair with the wheel.

Mr Pineapple's stage remind us a wild tropical jungle with pineapple leaves

Concept VFX
Inspired by the aesthetic of the brand,
i add blur to give the scenes a magic, dream like sensation.

Graphic & Font design

Thanks for watching!